They’ve got all summer now,
so you’d think
IMG_20150510_192730257there’s no reason for hurry.
IMG_20150524_202703559But they’ve each signed up for a very particular window.
IMG_20150524_202026448Get it up, get it open, let it down, thank you ma’am.
IMG_20150524_201927774It can be a dirty business,
IMG_20150524_201948270leave you tired, arrayed in droopy fading splendor.
IMG_20150524_202549544Unless you claim the ground that holds you, the air you breathe.
IMG_20150524_202224250Unless you’re lemon balm
IMG_20150524_202301192or peppermint
IMG_20150524_202323055then nothing messes with you,
you’re locked on for perpetuity.