Posts Tagged butterfly bush

Funny fruit.





Just two days left. Of course you can purchase the books any time,
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With all the rain,

mushrooms large and not very large

rise from the roots below,

pink and yellow,


and red,

and shy,

while well above the ground the butterfly bush flowers
are at full bloom
but it’s a year of hardly any butterflies.

And fallen to the ground, here and there,
reminders that the green season
is not forever

that winter, as ever, plays with us.



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Trees and textures in the dusky dark.

Coils of birch bark.
IMG_20150531_202527821_TOPFrond friends.
IMG_20150531_202046720Down the Coop’s right-of-way.
IMG_20150531_201813092_HDRBlueberry abundance this year,
if the hail don’t fall and the jays allow.
IMG_20150531_201531949New butterfly bush,IMG_20150531_201516616replanted where the old one stood.
IMG_20150531_201347175Just doing strangely what they do.

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It was a very good day in the neighborhood.


     Flutter by the butterfly bush.


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      Sometimes, for a while, nothing is wrong.

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