Before color photography, this is how flowers looked.
I’m glad to live in the days of color.
Even with tans and grays we can distinguish a thousands shade, so many more than fifty.
Millions is still better fun, eyeball ice cream.
Reds and yellows.
Love these fellows.
What is the opposite of butter?
And gray is the new green?
I think some camera control options are meant to be left alone.
No. That’s scary. My tool box is red and it’s bright sun outside.
Ah, outside. Much better. Sunshine and flowers.
And clutching and clambering about the blossoms, the big speckled butterfly does his business.
From the top, with a blue streak up the middle.
It’s pollination all day long, from the flower’s point of view.
The bees are also leaving footprints everywhere.
But they’re not feeding, they’re collecting.
And this lady better head home while she can still fly.
Pollen sacs are filling fast.
Not a camera trick: the green leaf is red when the sun shoots through.
Opaque green/gray when top lit.
How we rock, when there have been too many colors to contemplate.
Or back indoors, on the other side of the one-way mirror.
The witness has self-interrogated, -charged, -convicted.
Sentence pending.