Posts Tagged black snake

The Monarch and the Black Snake.

We had a visitor, for the first time in many years,

we stalked her for an hour, just the one.

A decade ago, we’d have hundreds flock through.

If the snake can’t see you, you can’t see the snake,
brunching on burrowing mammals.

Over the south ridge, also mostly hidden,

up at ravens’ croft, a pillowy agent of change
assesses the coming of the colors
in the cerulean October sky.

The Monarch even made a movie, too big to post here.

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Snakes in the grass, alas.

We call them our yardvarks,
IMG_20150801_152354557_HDRthe creatures who emerge
IMG_20150802_203605920from the woods
IMG_20150802_203558629to share
IMG_20150802_200452158and the cracked corn
IMG_20150802_200444349we put out for wild birdsIMG_20150718_235737836_TOP

if the bandits haven’t cleared it all.

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