Posts Tagged ellen and geoffrey fletcher mystery

Quarterly roll of the dice: another five-day give-away.

This isn’t a book shelf, of course it’s not.

But can you lichen it to one,
and picture little volumes, bound in bark, printed with gall ink,
fanned around the oak tree trunk?2014-09-27_14-44-49_819

Well, if you managed that, we’re past the stressful part.

Every three months Kindle Direct Publishing allows its authors a chance
to promote books by giving them away.

And that time for me has rolled around again.

The next five days: October 3-7, 2014
Friday through Tuesday
the Kindle e-book versions of
Fit to Curve   and   Heart Attack
can be downloaded for free.

If you don’t have a Kindle Device
there is a free Kindle Ap available for your computer, your tablet, your phone
or your microwave oven (all the recent models, anyway, the ones that can charge i-phones).

So, if you’re a mystery reader
you might enjoy meeting Geoffrey and Ellen in their first two adventures.

Fit_To_Curve_21_09_12HA cover

Direct links:

Fit To Curve

Heart Attack

Nothing to lose, at this price, and a world to win.

The Asheville Story                —               The Williamsburg Story

This promotion is Amazon planet wide,
not just the United States,
so come Canada, come Britain, come France,
Germany, Italy, Spain,
India, Japan, Mexico, Brazil.

Oops! And Australia. Maybe I got this in before they noticed.
Which way does the sun go?

Italy is my last untouched market,
somewhere from six to six thousand in the others.

The Ellen and Geoffrey Fletcher Mysteries are of a cozy character but written for adults.

KDT, Kindle Daylight Time, seems to track with PDT, Pacific Daylight Time,
3-4 hours from now (time of post).

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The last segment of edits — so many births, a book has.


Ghost Walk

third book in the series

of the Ellen and Geoffrey Fletcher Mysteries

Well. The last improper comma is gone, the last proper but absent comma is inserted.
Of a thousand proposed edits, all but a few score taken.


The big question now: do I trigger some dozens of rejections
from a flurry of query letters to my list of literary agents
in hopes of a single positive reply?

Or just upload to Amazon, like the first two,
for a few minutes of being the newest mystery in the world?

Well, not tonight.
The edit heave is hove.
Bed beckons.

Book Three.


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