Posts Tagged mint

Leaves not grass.

Stem-fed stem-feeding factories alive in the air
pull energy from the sun
pull water and minerals from the earth

to build themselves

and roots and flowers and fruit.

An exquisite geometry

grooms every petal and vein

fans up in three dimensions

while competing in four

with every neighbor

for airspace and sunlight.

They employ strategies

of shape and color and texture,

delicacy or density,

to finish cycles of a minute or a day or a year
as they thrive
to amaze and delight human eyes.

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Persistant summer greens.

Looks like a lawn, an expanse of close-cut green,

if you don’t look down to the details.
Oh, there is a little grass blended in.

Lemon balm, fresh as morning, all year long.

The fern fronds are evergreen,

ordered and skilled in their geometry

beyond anything we have ever done in ours.

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Getting it done.

They’ve got all summer now,
so you’d think
IMG_20150510_192730257there’s no reason for hurry.
IMG_20150524_202703559But they’ve each signed up for a very particular window.
IMG_20150524_202026448Get it up, get it open, let it down, thank you ma’am.
IMG_20150524_201927774It can be a dirty business,
IMG_20150524_201948270leave you tired, arrayed in droopy fading splendor.
IMG_20150524_202549544Unless you claim the ground that holds you, the air you breathe.
IMG_20150524_202224250Unless you’re lemon balm
IMG_20150524_202301192or peppermint
IMG_20150524_202323055then nothing messes with you,
you’re locked on for perpetuity.

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Floral finale presentation.

The first hard frost is the real end, and that could be weeks.

But all the flowering plants prepare their final bursts.
Many are done already, a few will hang on until their petals freeze.

The chimley rose saved the best for last.


Since staked up, a mowing near fatality.


No more blooms to come, but we’re going out grand.


Will even a frost take down the lemony mint from its summer-long peak?


But the gatekeeper of the herb garden does not care about seasons.
A hunk of cloudy quartz shares some faces with other entities
but marks the gatepost without concern for any of us.


Nor rain nor sleet nor hail — never mind, it’s quite all right.

I’ll just stand here and watch y’all wilt and wither one more time.

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