Posts Tagged marigold


Early summer’s chromatic abundance,

is everywhere,

in wild exuberance;

somewhere there’s a bleak

landscape of grays and browns

that all the bright colors have been

sucked away from and sent here;

all the shades, all the strategies,

to reach towards the sun

luxuriant unfurling

of flower DNA into petals

presenting their organs of generation
to all pollinators,

 come up and see me, right now.

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Walk on the tame side.

Clamoring against the hog wire at the bottom of the herb garden


a forest of daylilies.


Most of the hydrangeas (3 of 5) were burned by the final frost,


but one, spectacularly, was not.


The yellow clusters swell and turn blue by stages.


Cousin of the giant corsage blooms
there’s the nobblier cluster clump variety.


Weeds cut close simulate a lawn and frame
the peripheral plantings and the visitors
(rabbit at 12 o’clock).


The new planters half the way towards
thrillers and spillers and fillers.


Between the leaf canopy and the marigold companions,
five jalapenos growing shoulders.


Pretty is as


pretty is.


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Blooming yard.

walkabout, this afternoon, to find deep red with busy bee,


pale red with kanji characters,

poppy world full of self,

rising from a bed thought lost,


while yellow bush roses,

and blue fingers, which our maidens know by a grosser name,


showing some purple shared, in the same pot


or shared with satiny iridescence


shimmering around a black hole,

in purple waves


and glitter,

while at rows end, marigold companions

and almost a blooming leaf, twinning stacks climb orthogonally towards sun

and a tannish leaf kind of flowerish

all of which have names that are common
and the uncommon names are all scientific

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Hurry spring, comes the hot breath of summer.

One day, as the stink bug watches,
IMG_20150510_192310312is enough to blow up a bud.IMG_20150510_192246917Everything in such a hurry
IMG_20150509_183950869to get it done,
whether in the pots
IMG_20150509_183453755or among the herbs.
IMG_20150510_192730257But meanwhile in the lawn
the marauder buttercups are special forces,
IMG_20150510_192530372unchallenged they’ll hand off to
saw-briar and blackberry and locust.
IMG_20150510_192500901The mower is ordered
which is a little sad  for what it will take down
but a lot necessary for what it will allow to come up.
IMG_20150509_183412689_HDRThe little entities we favor
cannot stand against the native ferocity
always alert and ready to resume dominion.IMG_20150509_184236184

They will have it back, and soon enough,
but we shall extend our moment here a little longer.
With all due respect.

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Accidental encounters of a desultory afternoon.

Inside the grand circle of mountain ridges, inside the circle of trees that ring the grass, an abundance of pretty little things.

Beneath the ironwood tree, a fungal family up-reach through the ivy.

Shroom bloom.

Marching order.

But at each center of the tanish, beigeish disks, a spot of blue.

Shroom bloom single.

Blue, why blue?

Our snake this week was a third the length, a quarter the girth, a fiftieth the mass of last week’s blacksnake.
A little garter garden guarder.

Looking left.

Two foot of pure, well, snake.

Looking both ways, tongue forked and flicking, smelling me.


Forked tongue tiny.

Between the snake and the tomatoes a pile of brush.
What’s not to lich?

Brush pile art.

Digesting slowly.

Glad to be coral, in full rut; as shameless, if a bit more delicate, than a baboon’s butt.

Coral crescendo.

Gladolia, hereabouts.

Garden guarders, like the garter, may be verygolds.

Not Solomon.

Don’t stare directly at the fractals.

So nearly stepped on, just inside the kitchen door, a chevron,
an inch and a quarter, weirdly well drafted.

Thy name is symmetry.

Joan of Arc’s shield?

Not impressive as a flyer, kind of a stumble flutter.

Forever flower of France.

Fearless symmetry.

But eclipses my poor powers.

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